Strategic planning


Using strategic planning as a competitive advantage through bank-wide simulation

As a result of the volatile market environment, intensified competition and new regulatory requirements, transparency of key management indicators has increasingly become a critical success factor for banks. An overall representation of interdependencies between balance sheet structure, P&L, central management parameters and regulatory restrictions is indispensable for target-oriented and robust business planning.


Integrated bank planning and simulation for strategic decision-making

  • Comprehensive impact analysis of all relevant management parameters of the bank
  • Integrated simulation of all relevant target indicators, such as return on equity, cost-income ratio, growth indicators for P&L and balance sheet, or regulatory indicators, such as core capital ratio, leverage ratio, Basel II interest risk coefficient, and Basel III liquidity indicators, such as liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio
  • Representation of dependencies and impact directions
  • Target indicators can be quickly supplemented by individual management indicators
  • Specification of any multi-periodic planning horizon with precise consideration of processes and interest rate development
  • High flexibility and scalability of data connection, portfolio granularity and report design
  • Use of zeb.control’s proven platform with a wide range of expansion options for integrated performance and risk management
  • Fast and efficient execution of integrated simulations
  • Overview through condensed results views of the relevant management indicators
  • Uncomplicated implementation possible due to minimal data requirements

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Excellence award from Stifterverband for being "Innovative through Research"